A foaming oil that clings to all cutting tools, preventing waste and over-spraying. Reduces friction in the process of threading, reaming, tapping and drilling process. Contains ingredients to prevent rancidity, and foam control for high agitation procedures. Thick foam that clings to vertical surfaces. Combines synthetic and natural lubricants for maximum high pressure lubrication which will increase the cutting rate without overheating. High performance cooling action allows for higher cutting speeds for increased productivity. Works in boring, cutting, tapping, grinding, machining, punching, sawing and more. Blended for high load tolerance and to leave a temporary, rust inhibitive coating. Use in industrial plants, machine shops, automotive shops, metalworking shops, oil rigs, and industrial manufacturers.


Technical Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet

Sold As:
Case (12 Cans)
Zenex International
VOC Restriction: